Love Austin music? Help share it with the world.

We’re funded by patrons and sponsors who provide both cash and in-kind donations, which we use to fill the gap when an artist or band can’t fully afford a key opportunity cost. We rely on word of mouth and social media sharing to raise awareness of what we’re doing and connect with like-minded supporters of independent Austin musicians. Give a bit of your cash or social equity (or both!) to launch more of Austin’s artists to broader success.


Your donation allows us to connect Austin artists with performance opportunities across the U.S. and around the globe.

Contact us to make a contribution.


Sponsorship is ideal for individuals, groups, and companies to be recognized as supporters of independent music. Sponsors will be acknowledged in all of our digital spaces and at our events, according to their sponsorship level.

Contact us to learn more about becoming a sponsor.

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Spread the word

There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active advocate yourself. Tell your friends and family about Austin Music Export: a simple, direct way to fill one specific need of independent Austin musicians.

Connect with us on our Facebook Page and invite your friends to like it too!